1. 400V/50Hz Generator Sets Parallel Upgrade Project using DSE8610MKII - GenSet equipped with C2002 speed governor and Crompton Greaves alternator, equipped with AVR SMR v5.0
For smooth speed adjusting by DSE8610MKII you need to do the following:
(a) Reduce Speed Governor Ramp
(b) Reduce Speed Governor "Starting Fuel"
(c) Adjust engine speed without DSE8610 drive to be 35Hz.
For Crompton Greaves AVR SMR v5.0:
(a) Adjust AVR SMR "trim" potentiometer from zero (fully anticlockwise, default setting) to mid position (50%).
(b) Connect DSE 8610 cables to terminals "A1 - A2" of AVR
(c) Inside DSE8610 configuration Suite select "reverse" on AVR Drive.
(d) Start the GenSet and play with SW1 from 0 to 100% and observe if Generator Voltage is rising
acFts & Tests:
(a) DSE provides drive continuously to AVR even with engine stopped (rest / standby)
(b) With engine stopped you can adjust SW1 and measure with DC Voltmeter the voltage provided by DSE (check if DSE can provide output to "drive" the AVR)
(c) Droop AVR setting has no effect at Voltage Output / DSE 8610 drive to AVR - found to be 0% (fully anticlockwise)
(d) By installing a Jumper to AVR SMR P1-P2 makes alternator output to be lowered by 5V.
Installing a 200KOhm potentiometer to P1 - P2 (with DSE drive disconnected) did not work as expected.
(e) By Installing a Jumper to AVR SMR Q1-Q2 (droop CT) does not harm the AVR but has no effect on voltage output (using DSE drives to A1-A2)
(f) Keeping in the game jumpers "d" and "e" at the same time does not affect Generator Output.
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